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Manage connections - Bluetooth - Mercado Pago Developers

Manage connections

On our SDK, you can search for printers and other bluetooth devices, in addition to checking the ones paired with the POS machine. Learn how to continue.

Manage paired devices

To get the list of paired devices with Point Smart use the getPairedDevices feature, from the BluetoothDiscoverDevices class. Check below how to access it through the MPManager.

val bluetoothDiscoverDevices = MPManager.bluetooth.discover

bluetoothDiscoverDevices.getPairedDevices { result ->
       .doIfSuccess { devices ->
           // Work with the list of paired devices
       .doIfError { error ->
           // Manage the error case if necessary

final BluetoothDiscoverDevices bluetoothDiscoverDevices = MPManager.INSTANCE.getBluetooth().getDiscover();

final Function1<MPResponse<List<BluetoothDeviceModel>>, Unit> callback = (final MPResponse<List<BluetoothDeviceModel>> response) -> {
 if (response.getStatus() == ResponseStatus.SUCCESS) {
   final List<BluetoothDeviceModel> devices = response.getData();
   // Work with the list of paired devices
 } else {
   // Manage the error case if necessary
 return Unit.INSTANCE;


callback ((MPResponse<List<BluetoothDeviceModel>>) -> Unit)Request response feature that provides the paired devices as a result. The [MPResponse] includes the status, the error (if any), and the details in case of success, in a list of BluetoothDeviceModel models.
id (String)Unique identifier of the bluetooth device.
boundState (Int)Pairing status of the device. It can have different values representing different status.
name (String)Name of the device provided by the operational system.
address (String) MAC address of the bluetooth device.
isConnected (Boolean)Indicates if the device is connected. In a positive case, the answer is true; if disconnected, it appears as false.

Get paired printers

Use the getPairedPrinterDevices feature from the BluetoothDiscoverDevices class to check the list of bluetooth printers with the Point Smart. The access is done through the MPManager object, as in the example below.

val bluetoothDiscoverDevices = MPManager.bluetooth.discover

bluetoothDiscoverDevices.getPairedPrinterDevices { result ->
       .doIfSuccess { printers ->
           // Work with the list of paired devices
       .doIfError { error ->
           // Manage the error case if necessary

final BluetoothDiscoverDevices bluetoothDiscoverDevices = MPManager.INSTANCE.getBluetooth().getDiscover();

final Function1<MPResponse<List<BluetoothDeviceModel>>, Unit> callback = (final MPResponse<List<BluetoothDeviceModel>> response) -> {
 if (response.getStatus() == ResponseStatus.SUCCESS) {
   final List<BluetoothDeviceModel> printers = response.getData();
   // Work with the list of paired devices
 } else {
   // Manage the error case if necessary
 return Unit.INSTANCE;


callback ((MPResponse<List<BluetoothDeviceModel>>) -> Unit)Request response feature that provides the paired printers as a result. The [MPResponse] includes the status, the error (if any) and the details in case of success in a list of BluetoothDeviceModel models.
id (String)Unique identifier of the bluetooth device.
boundState (Int)Pairing status of the device. It can have different values representing different status.
name (String)Name of the device provided by the operational system.
address (String) MAC address of the bluetooth device.
isConnected (Boolean)Indicates if the device is connected. In a positive case, the answer is true; if disconnected, it appears as false.

Start search for devices

The startDiscovery feature from the BluetoothDiscoverDevices class starts the discovery of bluetooth devices. The access is through the MPManager object. This method makes the dynamic implementation of the logic based on events in your solution easier. Like this:

val bluetoothDiscover = MPManager.bluetooth.discover

bluetoothDiscover.startDiscovery { response ->
       .doIfSuccess { discoveryState ->
           when (discoveryState.type) {
               BluetoothDiscoveryState.Type.STARTED -> {
                   // Manage the start of the discovery
               BluetoothDiscoveryState.Type.DEVICE_FOUND -> discoveryState.device?.let { device ->
                   // Manage the discovery of a new device
               BluetoothDiscoveryState.Type.DEVICE_CHANGE -> discoveryState.device?.let { device ->
                   // Manage changes in a discovered device
               BluetoothDiscoveryState.Type.ENDED -> {
                   // Manage the end of the discovery
       .doIfError { error ->
           // Manage the error case if necessary

final BluetoothDiscoverDevices bluetoothDiscoverDevices = MPManager.INSTANCE.getBluetooth().getDiscover();

final Function1<MPResponse<BluetoothDiscoveryState>, Unit> callback = (final MPResponse<BluetoothDiscoveryState> response) -> {
 if (response.getStatus() == ResponseStatus.SUCCESS) {
   switch (response.getData().getType()) {
     case STARTED:
       // Manage the start of the discovery
     case DEVICE_FOUND:
       // Manage the discovery of a new device
       final BluetoothDeviceModel foundDevice = response.getData().getDevice();
     case DEVICE_CHANGE:
       // Manage changes in a discovered device
       final BluetoothDeviceModel changedDevice = response.getData().getDevice();
     case ENDED:
       // Manage the end of the discovery

 } else {
   // Manage the error case if necessary
 return Unit.INSTANCE;


callback ((MPResponse<BluetoothDiscoveryState>) -> Unit)Request response feature that provides the result of the discovery process. The [MPResponse] includes the status, the error (if any), and the details in case of success, containing a BluetoothDiscoveryState object that represents the current status of the discovery, events such as the start and end of the discovery and changes in the device.
id (String)Unique identifier of the bluetooth device.
boundState (Int)Pairing status of the device. It can have different values representing different status.
name (String)Name of the device provided by the operational system.
address (String) MAC address of the bluetooth device.
isConnected (Boolean)Indicates if the device is connected. In a positive case, the answer is true; if disconnected, it appears as false.