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Manage payment methods - Advanced features - Mercado Pago Developers

Manage payment methods

Payment Brick allows integration with multiple payment methods and, to do so, adjust the accepted payment methods in Brick's customizations.

To not include the payment method of a certain type, remove it from the paymentMethods object.
const settings = {
 customization: {
   paymentMethods: {
     creditCard: "all",

const customization = {
 paymentMethods: {
   creditCard: 'all'


The table below shows the available payment methods:

All types of payment methods accept the all option, so all options available for that type will be activated.
paymentMethodsTypePossible values
creditCardstringTo obtain available credit card amounts, check out the API Get payment methods.
debitCardstringTo obtain available debit card amounts, check out the API Get payment methods.
prepaidCardstringTo obtain available credit card amounts, check out the API Get payment methods.
mercadoPagostring['onboarding_credits', 'wallet_purchase']
ticketstring['pagofacil', 'rapipago']