Integration via Core Methods
In this integration method, the person in charge of the integration is responsible for defining how the information necessary to complete the payment will be searched, unlike the integration via Cardform, where the search for information is done automatically.
In integration via Core Methods, the integrator decides when to look for information about the type of document, in addition to card information (issuer and installments). As a result, you have complete flexibility in building the checkout flow experience.
Check below the diagram that illustrates the card payment process using Core Methods.
Import MercadoPago.js
The first step in the card payment integration process is the card data capture. This capture is made by including the MercadoPago.js library in your project, followed by the payment form. Use the code below to import the MercadoPago.js library before adding the payment form.
<script src=""></script>
npm install @mercadopago/sdk-js
Configure credential
Credentials are unique keys with which we identify an integration in your account. They serve to capture payments in virtual stores and other applications securely.
This is the first step of a complete code structure that must be followed for the correct integration of payment via card. Pay attention to the blocks below to add to the codes as indicated.
const mp = new MercadoPago("YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY");
import { loadMercadoPago } from "@mercadopago/sdk-js";
await loadMercadoPago();
const mp = new window.MercadoPago("YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY");
Add payment form
The capture of card data (card number, security code and expiration date) is done through a payment form that allows obtaining and validating the information necessary to process the payment.
To obtain this data and process payments, insert the HTML below directly into the project.
#form-checkout {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
max-width: 600px;
.container {
height: 18px;
display: inline-block;
border: 1px solid rgb(118, 118, 118);
border-radius: 2px;
padding: 1px 2px;
<form id="form-checkout" action="/process_payment" method="POST">
<div id="form-checkout__cardNumber" class="container"></div>
<div id="form-checkout__expirationDate" class="container"></div>
<div id="form-checkout__securityCode" class="container"></div>
<input type="text" id="form-checkout__cardholderName" placeholder="Cardholder" />
<select id="form-checkout__issuer" name="issuer">
<option value="" disabled selected>Issuing Bank</option>
<select id="form-checkout__installments" name="installments">
<option value="" disabled selected>Plots</option>
<select id="form-checkout__identificationType" name="identificationType">
<option value="" disabled selected>Document type</option>
<input type="text" id="form-checkout__identificationNumber" name="identificationNumber" placeholder="Document number" />
<input type="email" id="form-checkout__email" name="email" placeholder="Email" />
<input id="token" name="token" type="hidden">
<input id="paymentMethodId" name="paymentMethodId" type="hidden">
<input id="transactionAmount" name="transactionAmount" type="hidden" value="100">
<input id="description" name="description" type="hidden" value="Product Name">
<button type="submit" id="form-checkout__submit">Pay</button>
Initialize card fields
After adding the payment form, it is necessary to initialize the card fields (card number, expiration date and security code) that must be filled in when starting the payment flow.
When finalizing the initialization of the fields, the divs will contain the iframes with the inputs where the PCI data will be inserted.
const cardNumberElement = mp.fields.create('cardNumber', {
placeholder: "Card Number"
const expirationDateElement = mp.fields.create('expirationDate', {
placeholder: "MM/YY",
const securityCodeElement = mp.fields.create('securityCode', {
placeholder: "Security Code"
Get document types
After configuring the credential, adding the payment form and initializing the card fields, it is necessary to obtain the types of documents that will be part of filling out the payment form.
By including the element of type select
with the id: form-checkout__identificationType
that is in the form, it will be possible to automatically fill in the available options when calling the function below.
(async function getIdentificationTypes() {
try {
const identificationTypes = await mp.getIdentificationTypes();
const identificationTypeElement = document.getElementById('form-checkout__identificationType');
createSelectOptions(identificationTypeElement, identificationTypes);
} catch (e) {
return console.error('Error getting identificationTypes: ', e);
function createSelectOptions(elem, options, labelsAndKeys = { label: "name", value: "id" }) {
const { label, value } = labelsAndKeys;
elem.options.length = 0;
const tempOptions = document.createDocumentFragment();
options.forEach(option => {
const optValue = option[value];
const optLabel = option[label];
const opt = document.createElement('option');
opt.value = optValue;
opt.textContent = optLabel;
Get card payment methods
In this step, the buyers' data is validated when they fill in the necessary fields to make the payment. In order to identify the payment method used by the buyer, insert the code below directly into the project.
const paymentMethodElement = document.getElementById('paymentMethodId');
const issuerElement = document.getElementById('form-checkout__issuer');
const installmentsElement = document.getElementById('form-checkout__installments');
const issuerPlaceholder = "Issuing bank";
const installmentsPlaceholder = "Installments";
let currentBin;
cardNumberElement.on('binChange', async(data) => {
const { bin } = date;
try {
if (!bin && paymentMethodElement.value) {
paymentMethodElement.value = "";
if (bin && bin !== currentBin) {
const { results } = await mp.getPaymentMethods({ bin });
const paymentMethod = results[0];
paymentMethodElement.value =;
updateIssuer(paymentMethod, bin);
updateInstallments(paymentMethod, bin);
currentBin = bin;
} catch (e) {
console.error('error getting payment methods: ', e)
function clearSelectsAndSetPlaceholders() {
createSelectElementPlaceholder(issuerElement, issuerPlaceholder);
createSelectElementPlaceholder(installmentsElement, installmentsPlaceholder);
function clearHTMLSelectChildrenFrom(element) {
const currOptions = [...element.children];
currOptions.forEach(child => child.remove());
function createSelectElementPlaceholder(element, placeholder) {
const optionElement = document.createElement('option');
optionElement.textContent = placeholder;
optionElement.setAttribute('selected', "");
optionElement.setAttribute('disabled', "");
// This step improves cardNumber and securityCode validations
function updatePCIFieldsSettings(paymentMethod) {
const { settings } = paymentMethod;
const cardNumberSettings = settings[0].card_number;
settings: cardNumberSettings
const securityCodeSettings = settings[0].security_code;
settings: securityCodeSettings
Get issuing bank
When filling out the payment form, it is possible to identify the card issuing bank, avoiding data processing conflicts between different issuers. In addition, it is from this identification that the installment options are displayed.
The issuing bank is obtained through the issuer_id
parameter. To get it, use the Javascript below.
async function updateIssuer(paymentMethod, bin) {
const { additional_info_needed, issuer } = paymentMethod;
let issuerOptions = [issuer];
if (additional_info_needed.includes('issuer_id')) {
issuerOptions = await getIssuers(paymentMethod, bin);
createSelectOptions(issuerElement, issuerOptions);
async function getIssuers(paymentMethod, bin) {
try {
const { id: paymentMethodId } = paymentMethod;
return await mp.getIssuers({ paymentMethodId, bin });
} catch (e) {
console.error('error getting issuers: ', e)
Get number of installments
One of the mandatory fields that make up the payment form is the number of installments. To activate it and display the available installments at the time of payment, use the function below.
async function updateInstallments(paymentMethod, bin) {
try {
const installments = await mp.getInstallments({
amount: document.getElementById('transactionAmount').value,
paymentTypeId: 'credit_card'
const installmentOptions = installments[0].payer_costs;
const installmentOptionsKeys = { label: 'recommended_message', value: 'installments' };
createSelectOptions(installmentsElement, installmentOptions, installmentOptionsKeys);
} catch(error) {
console.error('error getting installments: ', e)
Create card token
The card token is created from the card information itself, increasing security during the payment flow. In addition, once the token is used in a given purchase, it is discarded, requiring the creation of a new one for future purchases. To create the card token, use the function below. In addition, remember that the token is valid for 7 days and can be used only once.
const formElement = document.getElementById('form-checkout');
formElement.addEventListener('submit', createCardToken);
async function createCardToken(event) {
try {
const tokenElement = document.getElementById('token');
if (!tokenElement.value) {
const token = await mp.fields.createCardToken({
cardholderName: document.getElementById('form-checkout__cardholderName').value,
identificationType: document.getElementById('form-checkout__identificationType').value,
identificationNumber: document.getElementById('form-checkout__identificationNumber').value,
tokenElement.value =;
} catch (e) {
console.error('error creating card token: ', e)
Send payment
To finish the card payment integration process, it is necessary for the backend to receive the form information with the generated token and the complete data according to the previous steps.
With all the information collected in the backend, send a POST with the necessary attributes, paying attention to the parameters token
, transaction_amount
, installments
, payment_method_id
and the
to the endpoint /v1/payments and execute the request or, if you prefer, send the information using the SDKs below.
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
$payment = new MercadoPago\Payment();
$payment->transaction_amount = (float)$_POST['transactionAmount'];
$payment->token = $_POST['token'];
$payment->description = $_POST['description'];
$payment->installments = (int)$_POST['installments'];
$payment->payment_method_id = $_POST['paymentMethodId'];
$payment->issuer_id = (int)$_POST['issuer'];
$payer = new MercadoPago\Payer();
$payer->email = $_POST['email'];
$payer->identification = array(
"type" => $_POST['identificationType'],
"number" => $_POST['identificationNumber']
$payment->payer = $payer;
$response = array(
'status' => $payment->status,
'status_detail' => $payment->status_detail,
'id' => $payment->id
echo json_encode($response);
Find the payment status in the status field.
var Mercadopago = require('mercadopago');
var payment_data = {
transaction_amount: Number(req.body.transactionAmount),
token: req.body.token,
description: req.body.description,
installments: Number(req.body.installments),
payment_method_id: req.body.paymentMethodId,
issuer_id: req.body.issuer,
payer: {
identification: {
type: req.body.identificationType,
number: req.body.identificationNumber
.then(function(response) {
status: response.body.status,
status_detail: response.body.status_detail,
.catch(function(error) {
Find the payment status in the status field.
PaymentClient client = new PaymentClient();
PaymentCreateRequest paymentCreateRequest =
Find the payment status in the status field.
require 'mercadopago'
payment_data = {
transaction_amount: params[:transactionAmount].to_f,
token: params[:token],
description: params[:description],
installments: params[:installments].to_i,
payment_method_id: params[:paymentMethodId],
payer: {
email: params[:email],
identification: {
type: params[:identificationType],
number: params[:identificationNumber]
payment_response = sdk.payment.create(payment_data)
payment = payment_response[:response]
puts payment
Find the payment status in the status field.
using System;
using MercadoPago.Client.Common;
using MercadoPago.Client.Payment;
using MercadoPago.Config;
using MercadoPago.Resource.Payment;
MercadoPagoConfig.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
var paymentRequest = new PaymentCreateRequest
TransactionAmount = decimal.Parse(Request["transactionAmount"]),
Token = Request["token"],
Description = Request["description"],
Installments = int.Parse(Request["installments"]),
PaymentMethodId = Request["paymentMethodId"],
Payer = new PaymentPayerRequest
Email = Request["email"],
Identification = new IdentificationRequest
Type = Request["identificationType"],
Number = Request["identificationNumber"],
var client = new PaymentClient();
Payment payment = await client.CreateAsync(paymentRequest);
Find the payment status in the status field.
import market
sdk = Mercadopago.SDK("ACCESS_TOKEN")
payment_data = {
"transaction_amount": float(request.POST.get("transaction_amount")),
"token": request.POST.get("token"),
"description": request.POST.get("description"),
"installments": int(request.POST.get("installments")),
"payment_method_id": request.POST.get("payment_method_id"),
"payer": {
"email": request.POST.get("email"),
"identification": {
"type": request.POST.get("type"),
"number": request.POST.get("number")
payment_response = sdk.payment().create(payment_data)
payment = payment_response["response"]
Find the payment status in the status field.
curl -X POST \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN' \
'' \
-d '{
"transaction_amount": 100,
"token": "ff8080814c11e237014c1ff593b57b4d",
"description": "Blue shirt",
"installations": 1,
"payment_method_id": "visa",
"issuer_id": 310,
"payer": {
"email": ""
When finished, you can perform tests and ensure that the integration is working correctly.
Find the payment status in the status field.